Q. Why don't you use your real name?
A. I find that I'm a lot more open when I don't use my name often. I also don't think it's necessary for you to know my name in order to enjoy my blog's content. That being said, I'm not paranoid about it. I'll probably use it eventually. It's Rain, since you're asking. :o)

Q. So narcolepsy makes you tired. Is it really that big of a deal, though?
A. If you follow this blog, you already know the answer to that one. Narcolepsy affects every aspect of a person's life. It isn't just the inconvenience of being constantly tired. The sufferer's mood, physical health, work, relationships, and self-esteem are just a few of the major aspects of life that are detrimentally affected by this disease. You can read more about it in my post "When Sleep Is Not Optional."

Q. Have you decided whether or not to leave your husband?
A. Yes, I've absolutely decided on that. Leaving my husband isn't an option for me. I am quite passionate about not running out on a marriage when the going gets tough. I WANT my marriage to last. I want to be happy with my husband no matter what our circumstances.

Q. I think it's wrong to call your husband a narcoleptic. He isn't his illness. Why do you identify him only as a narcoleptic by calling yourself the Narcoleptic's wife? Doesn't he find that insulting?
A. There is always controversy regarding this subject. For instance, our friends who are parents of children with autism HATE it when people refer to their children as "autistic." But people with diabetes tend not to care about being called diabetics. So it really depends on personal preference, I think. My husband doesn't mind being called a narcoleptic. In fact, when I got his input on the title of this blog, he said, "'Wife of A Man With Narcolepsy' just isn't as catchy." I do NOT think of my husband as only "a narcoleptic." He is my husband, my friend, my daughter's father... and he happens to have narcolepsy. But for the purposes of this blog - which is about his narcolepsy - I focus on that aspect of our lives.

Q. Your blog seems so true to life. So could you please include details about your sex life or your financial situation?
A. No I won't be including any details about certain subjects, including my intimate life with my husband or any specifics about how much money we make (or don't make). I am not interested in making my family's entire life public. I'm not embarrassed to share those details, but I do have the opinion that some things are just too private for the world wide web. I will occasionally include some information about how we keep the romance alive or random fiscal info, but that's about it.

Q. Your husband probably shouldn't be driving, so how does he?
A. Without medication treating his illness, I wouldn't think it would be a good idea for him to drive either. But he does take medicine on a daily basis work diligently at self-management to control his symptoms. That allows him to work, interact more normally with his family, and even drive. He also is very good about pulling over when he gets too tired to drive. That happens rarely, fortunately. As far as road trips go, I do 90% of the driving.

Q. Does your husband still have cataplectic attacks?
A. He sure does. He rarely falls down anymore because he's learned to recognize when an attack is going to hit, but he does still get very weak when he experiences strong emotions. For instance, when he finds something very funny or he gets angry or stressed, he has to sit or lay down immediately. He also still experiences sleep paralysis and occasional memory lapses and mental confusion, among other things.

Q. How does your husband's narcolepsy affect your child?
A. Our daughter is fully aware that her dad has a disease that makes him tired. She is incredibly perceptive about recognizing when he needs to sleep, and she has learned to respect his naps by being quieter or playing outside. She also tends to be protective of him at this point, even chastising him when he seems to be pushing himself too hard.

Last updated: Spring 2018